Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Grass Cutting Time!

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The first avatar of Tara actually fits into the background of the kitten board, so the "I said quirky" part looks like it's floating, super intelligent me, hmm?

Just a few ramblings today, I couldn't sleep lastnight. The last time I checked my clock before I finally managed to get to sleep, it was 4:28am pfft! As if. Well, if I didn't sleep too good last night I should sleep tonight then, eh?

Lets hope....
Also, the grass cutting men were around to day, cutting grass, obviously. Now all the air smells of freshly cut grass, I probably shouldn't like that smell seeing as I'm allergic to pollen, but I do. It tells me that summer is almost here. Woo and hoo!
Oh and I made a Jodie Avatar, just incase a certain someone is being nosey :-p

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