Sitting in the bar at the cinema having a beverage before the film was due to start, my friend nudged me with her elbow and nodded her head to the side. I looked in the direction she had nodded and was greeted with this.
Arse crack.
Major arse crack.
Ladies. This is extremely unattractive.
I'm not the fashion police. I've never been a style guru, but this? This is beyond disaster and is in the territory of 'abandon ship'.
The problem is that this isn't an uncommon sight. It should be, but it isn't. If I'm not seeing chavs with their trousers hanging low (for fashion purposes), then I'm seeing builders without belts. It just won't do!
The boob like nature of the arse in this picture haunts me.
I'm traumatised!
There is literally nothing worse! LITERALLY.
I agree! Bleh!
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