Saturday, July 02, 2011

Heartbreak & Henry

It's been three months now since the ex dumped me and I'm still no closer to understanding why. In her parting speech she told me that she loved me but that the split was best for both of us. How do you dump someone you love?

A million times I've mulled over what she said; "I love you, but...."
I know without a shadow of a doubt, how bad I felt inside, how lost, alone and torn in two I was that I couldn't possibly have inflicted such pain on myself, or her. So I've come to the conclusion that she wasn't in love at all, and she knew it but was too much of a coward to tell me. Unfortunately these past three months have proved to me that I was. Oh well.... live and learn my fellow humans.

On the up side, there's a new little guy in my life. He's ten weeks old and a mischievous little bugger! He's a kitten and his name is Henry. Doris didn't like him at first, but now she's the doting big sister and keeping him safe. I think once she realised that she was still my gorgeous little feline friend and I didn't feel any less for her, she was willing to give Henry a chance. They're now the best of siblings. :)

Mug shot of Henry to follow.... he's a poser!


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